3D rendered USB with the sandiskette logo on it. It has a pink indicator light in the shape of a heart

speedrunning a music video backdrop

hyperpop girlies need their LEDs

LED backdrop animation for a music video by @hasznat

@hasznat needed that music video shot and you know you have to have those nice 🅱️right eleeDEEs on your face. But there wasn't any money for LEDs so I served up some Blender DIY aesthetic ⚫

time to live: 3 hours

time to die: the rest of your fucking life

part 1: manufacture light emitting diode

So I'm in my lab you know in my zone just chillin bein gay then that alarm bell sounds 🚨 (well it doesn't flash yet because we don't have an LED lol) and production resumes...

Ok so how do you make an LED? It's gonna look budget because we're on a budget. Ok so you take something called an UV sphere here you go

A UV Sphere in Blender

now slap a material on it and crank that emissive shader up till you get a light source

Settings for an emissive material. 'Emission' is set to 2 on a Principled BDSF shader.
UV sphere with an emissive material

every LED needs a case that lets the light through but not all of it so you know you're protected from the extreme heat

copy the sphere, make it a bit bigger, then stick a different material on it so it's see-through

A rendered cover/case for an LED
Material settings for the LED case. It's a glass BDSF shader.

sickening, now we just need like 100 more of those

part 2: many more LEDS

you could duplicate them one by one but why do that when you can write code. Actually why write code when a) you've just quit your stupid software engineering job and b) Blender lets you program by sticking nodes together with Geometry Nodes.

Geometry nodes used to duplicate and translate LED instances
Geometry nodes used to duplicate and translate LED instances
Geometry nodes used to duplicate and translate LED instances
Geometry nodes used to duplicate and translate LED instances

part 3: make them more fun

A rendered cover/case for an LED
Material settings for the LED case. It's a glass BDSF shader.
Geometry nodes used to duplicate and translate LED instances